He was Lord Chancellor from 1970 until 1974. 他于1970年到1974年间出任大法官。
The most important judge in Britain is the Lord chancellor. 英国最重要的法官是大法官。
Except that the Lord Chancellor maybe a Roman Catholic, public offices are open without distinction to members of allchurches or none. 除了英国大法官可以是罗马天主教徒外,公共职务对各种信仰或没有信仰的人一律公开。
In England and Wales, lay magistrates are appointed on behalf of the Crown by the Lord Chancellor who is advised by committees in each county. 在英格兰和威尔士,大法官根据各部委员会的建议任命外行人员为治安官。
The Lord Chancellor recommends the High Court and circuit judges. 大法官推荐高等法官和巡回法官。
Central responsibility lies with the Lord Chancellor the Home Secretary and the Attorney General. 中央政府的司法工作主要由大法官、内政大臣和检察总长负责。
But there was someone present who wasn't. This was a chap called the Lord Bar who had been Father's Lord Chancellor. 然而,有个在场的人并不高兴。这是个叫做巴尔勋爵的家伙,他曾经做过我父亲手下的大法官。
The ancient office of Lord Chancellor formerly the head of the judiciary, presiding officer of the House of Lords and a cabinet minister all at once was broken into three. 过去的大法官曾是集司法部长、上议院议长和内阁大臣三权于一身现在分权为三人。
We do not doubt that England has a faithful patriot in the Lord chancellor. 我们并不怀疑那位大法官是英国拥有的一位忠诚爱国人士。
The Lord Chancellor became the target for further calumny. 总理大臣成了进一步诽谤的目标。
The abolition of the Lord chancellor's power to censor plays. 大法官检查戏剧权的废除。
The Lord Chancellor, ie the highest judge ( and chairman of the House of Lords) 大法官(及上议院议长)。
The Lord Chancellor presides over the house, with the mace behind him. 上议院议长主持议会,其身后放有一根权杖。
Lord Lamont, a former chancellor of the exchequer, recently joined Boris Johnson, London's mayor, in calling for a rethink, describing the levy as "too high compared with other European countries". 英国前财长拉蒙特勋爵,最近联合伦敦市长鲍里斯·约翰逊,一致认为和其他欧洲国家相比英国征税太高,呼吁大家重新思考。
He was brought up on a charge of causing a disturbance. Magistrate be responsible to the lord chancellor. 他以扰乱治安罪被传讯。治安法官对大法官负责。
Years of faithful service; faithful employees; we do not doubt that England has a faithful patriot in the Lord Chancellor. 多年来忠实的服务;忠实的雇员;我们毫不怀疑英国的大法官中有坚定的爱国者。
In England, judges are appointed by the lord chancellor. 在英格兰,法官由大法官委派。
Magistrate be responsible to the lord chancellor. The maintenance of law and order is in the hand of the local police force. 治安法官对大法官负责。治安由本地警察负责。
The Lord Chancellor refused to regard them as an asset. 大法官不承认它们是贵重物品。
The lord chancellor has proposed a revision of the divorce procedures. 大法官建议修正离婚程序。
His successor as Lord Chancellor was another liberal. 他的大法官继承人又是一个自由党人。
Magistrate is responsible to the lord chancellor. 治安法官对大法官负责。
New measures to reduce the stress for victims and witnesses of giving evidence in court are to be announced by Lord Falconer, the Lord Chancellor. 英国司法大臣兼宪政事务大臣费尔康纳勋爵日前表示,该国将采取新措施减轻受害者和证人出庭作证的压力。
I feel a satisfying sense of reality which at once turns the two Archbishops and the Lord High Chancellor to the shadows of shades. 我体会到一种令人心满意足的现实感,把那两位大主教和那位大法官统统逐人了虚无的幻境。
Lord Patten is chancellor of Oxford university. 彭定康勋爵是牛津大学名誉校长。
The Archbishop of Canterbury is followed by the Lord High Chancellor; the Lord High Chancellor is followed by the Archbishop of York. 排在坎特伯里大主教后面的是大法官,而大法官后面又是约克大主教。
But UK's supreme court snugly tally with the power-separation theory, the Lord Chancellor and cabinet contradict with the theory only in part. 其实英国最高法院的设置在实质上是契合分权理论的,大法官和内阁的设置只是部分与分权理论相背离。